About us

Fakhr Sarzamin Sabz company was registered in the date of 2014 under the registration number 3458, national number ****1042023 under the management of Mr. Makki Sharfat in the Abadan Register of Deeds and Companies Registration Office.
This company carries out customs and commercial affairs (exports, imports, clearance of goods) and services (contracting and participating in tenders and auctions in oil companies, public and private organizations and organizations, construction and road construction, and restaurant management) and agricultural and agricultural services (preparation seeds and seedlings and agricultural machinery for farmers, providing all kinds of livestock and poultry fodder, food and dry goods for export to neighboring countries and the world, and packing agricultural and marine products with the best packaging of the company for domestic and foreign consumption
Fakhr Sarzamin Sabz company after several years of company registration and after going through legal procedures and obtaining permits such as (ISO-9001-2000 certificate), (HSE health and environmental safety certificate) and company qualifications etc.
And by having expert and experienced personnel, may God be able to lead the path of good and blessing and job creation in our beloved country.

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